It's done. I am now an enrolled student of Le Cours Florent. I went in this morning and filled out the paper work and paid my dues. I was introduced to everyone in the office as "le jeune homme americain" (the young American man) and later "notre americain" (our American). Everyone would start off talking to me really slowly and clearly, not knowing if I spoke French very well, and probably because I had that nervous, puppy dog, am-I-really-going-through-with-this? look on my face. They made sure to show me around and answer all possible questions. All the while I couldn't believe I was actually doing it and left in somewhat of a state of shock.
Walking to the metro, it hit me that I had actually gone through with it and I started laughing.
I start class tomorrow morning at nine. Still don't know where I am going to live--but with the way everything else has fallen so miraculously into place, I am not complaining.
Nu stiam ca vorbeai franceza asa de bine. Felicitari!!! si succes cu scoala si viata in Paris. Nu suna rau de loc. :D
Awesome! You better keep this blog up, Frenchy.
Are you growing a 'stach? Please tell me no! Congrats bro -- you'll do great. And I am excited that we maybe get to see you. You'll love your new little dude.
yay! i can just see you cracking up as you're walking away wondering what the heck you just did. keep posting i love it!
Aww Jeff, this is super awesome!! So you left and abandoned me in the law school dream eh? Yeah I'm also starting to wonder if this is really what I want as well--no acting in my future, but maybe grad school and IR? We'll see.
But mes felicitations encore, et bonne chance, mais c'est sure que tu n'en auras pas besoin!
Lalalala! You're doing it!
So is this usually a problem? I am referring to "going though with something?" ;)
congrats! it will be interesting to 'see' how it all pans out--through your eyes. (Oh, and Jackie is very jealous)
Congratulations on your acceptance and good for you for chasing after your dream! To many times we stay in our comfort zones and never take a chance. Years later we have to live with the words "I wish I had" ringing in our ears. I am proud of you!
P.S. My daughter bought one way airline tickets to Hawaii in June to attend BYU-H. She didn't know if she was accepted until three days ago. Always remember Faith does preceed the miracle!
Jeff tu l'as fait! Tu es mon hero! Suis tes reves mon ami, evidement les grandes-meres ne sont pas les seuls a croire en toi...
Jeff!! I'm soooo happy for you! I'm glad you took the leap over the pond and went for it. Way to live the dream! :-) If you could see me right now I'm jumping up and down for you!
Way to go! Je suis trop heureuse pour toi Jeff. J'ai hâte de te voir à Paris!!!
Jeffy you will do so great! I'm so happy for you. Keep us informed on everything ok! Love you Tons! so proud of you as always!!
Hey, I mentioned you to a friend of mine. I don't know how we got there, but I pointed out how you went from law school to Paris and acting. He lives in California, near L.A. and has done community theater growing up. He says that the best actors he's ever seen are lawyers. It made me giggle, I thought I'd share.
Jeff, this is awesome. You are awesome. Envoie-moi une baguette.
amazing! and i don't mind saying that i am totally jealous!
also, i'm glad you announced you blog on facebook, 'cause i had no idea. and now that i know you are in paris, i can live my european life vicariously through you!
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