15 June 2008

rock or be rocked

Tomorrow, Monday 16 June 2008 at 12:30, I will be taking the Law School Admissions Test. My scores are all over the board, and I'm sick, distracted, and scared to death but if Elle Woods can do it, so help me...

I can't help thinking of how nice it would be to have been recently dumped by some really hot girl for no other reason than I'm just not senator or senator's husband material. That's all I need--someone to stick it to. 

I wish someone would say, "What? YOU're taking the LSAT? What makes you think..." etc. But no, everyone I talk to has to be supportive. "I'm sure you'll be fine," they say. Sure it's comforting to know that other people, who don't know how up and down my practice test scores have been, have confidence in me, but I would really appreciate it if someone would seriously question and challenge my ability to do well, really point out the fact that I am up against insurmountable odds, like "Remember the Titans," "The Great Debaters," "Rudy," "Hoosiers," or the plus-size girl in "America's Next Top Model," and despite the odds, rise to the challenge and rock the LSAT, coming out of the testing center with "We are the Champions," or any other song by QUEEN, screaming in my head.

The truth of the matter is, if I come out with any sort of a half-decent score, the victory will have to be credited to Divine Providence.


Mothe said...

We all love you no matter what silly old test score you get Jeffy!! But best of luck, we totally believe in you!!
The Whole Stratford Family

Bart & Penny Murray said...

How can we question you not passing? We know you will do AWESOME because that is who you are! You are amazing guy and everything you put your mind to you do with flying colors. We love you and GOOD LUCK (like you need that) Love, The Murray Fam

Tam said...

Okay, I'll admit it, we are all just waiting for you to fail. No one has wanted to tell you but you are your parents least intelligent kid. I mean you studied sooo hard for the ACT and got what, a 35? What a loser! And you got a scholarship to BYU, whoop-dee-do! Its such an easy school to get into to! Yea you speak 3 languages, big whoop (Aliya can speak Chinese and you cant)! Even if you do pass the LSAT, which we all know you wont, you wont get into any schools because no one will accept you after your interview. You've got no personality and are quite a dork. But go ahead, crash and burn! Love, your ever supportive sis-in-law!:)

Courtnie said...

Jeff! It is Courtnie (King) Cotterell! I am so happy for you! I know that you are now done with the test but congrats on getting it behind you. I'm sure you'll keep us all posted, but I just can't wait to see where you end up! Harvard watch out! :)

Kaitlin Phelps said...

Hey best friend Jeff-
Just wanted to stop by and say "Hi!" Hope your test went well. Which I am sure it did.
Anways- miss your gutz.
Love the Phelps

b said...

I know this is entirely off topic, but have you seen the Legally Blonde reality show on MTV? So amazingly bad, yet I love it.

D said...

Jeff, this is Darren. If this were a month ago, I would have shouted my reservations about your ability to take the LSAT from the rooftops, but its too late. Hopefully the testing gods will still allow my doubts and apprehensions to count against you so that you can retroactively prove my wrong.

Rachel said...

Just found your blog, Jeff!

I know you did fabulously on the LSAT. We definitely need to chat soon!

Laquina said...

Dear Jeff-

Since there is a HUGE chance we might never see you again, Rich and I have a few things to say to you.

1. You're jeans aren't that great.
2. Your hair was waaaay too long there for a number of months.
3. Your car stinks like rotten milk really badly ALL the time.
4. You have odd eating habits - can we say snacking 24/7?
5. Your african artifacts clashed with the house decorations big time.

Ahh...that felt so good. We've been waiting to say that stuff for like, ever.

Wait... Were we supposed to be bashing your law school exam and not you?
Yeah, sorry.