09 November 2009

and the wall came tumbling down.

Twenty years ago today, the German Democratic Republic (East Germany) announced that its citizens could travel freely into West Germany and West Berlin. That day, thousands walked around, over, and through a wall that had divided a nation for nearly thirty years. It was the beginning of the end of communism in Europe.

Today I wore my Berlin Wall t-shirt and went to a public rally, wanting to share in the celebration and wanting to acknowledge my awareness of and gratitude for the events that led up to and the events that followed the fall of the Berlin Wall and the subsequent fall of the Iron Curtain. Few contemporary events have had greater impact on my life than this one. That might sound strange, but it is true. Having had the blessing and pleasure of serving a mission for my church in a post-communist state that is still coping with its totalitarian past, I pray, along with billions of others, that human rights and the rule of law may someday be available to all. Prior to the events of 1989, Spencer W. Kimball urged church members worldwide to pray and prepare for the possibility to share the Restored Gospel with those behind the Iron Curtain. Recently, in a world where regimes continue to withhold religious freedom, Thomas S. Monson has recommissioned that call.

May the walls continue to fall.


Makenna said...

AMEN! So that Mara Reuter can be free! :)

Marge Bjork said...


Rachel said...

Merci, merci, merci!

D'accord. J'aime bien ton idee. Peut etre l'ete prochain? Il y a presque deux ans pendant j'irai en Europe (oh the darn tenses in French and my lack of pratique!)....

Bon. C'est un plan. Et, peut etre tu peut nous visiter aussi? DC est toujours une bonne idee :)

Lucie Gibbons said...

Lucie Gibbons here (I know, what? and how did you find my blog - long story, share later). Here's the scoop. We're picking up our missionary son, Elder Guy Gibbons (serving in the France, Toulouse mission). We're ending our trip in Paris! We will be arriving the a.m. of Dec. 12th and leaving for Utah on the 14th. (1) We'd love to see you and (2) where to go to church on Sunday? If you have time (no worries if you don't) could you please respond? I will try to contact you via (AnnAlyse's) blog just in case. Glad to hear you're doing well! xo Lucie

Lucie Gibbons said...

Opps! Forgot my email address:
xo Lucie

Kasi French said...

This is one of the many reasons we are friends. The promise made in 1972 was fulfilled in less than twenty years ... before you {we} hit 57, it is a thrilling, invigorating, inspiring.