26 November 2008


On this joyous holiday weekend, I feel inclined to voice a little thanks. More than ever before, I am thankful for life; it's a beautiful, precious thing. I am thankful for possibilities and opportunities (not so thankful for having to choose between them, but thankful that I have them nonetheless). I am thankful that Sarah Palin isn't runner-up to the most powerful position in the country, but considering that I am also thankful for my family, all 187 of 'em, I must say that I am also grateful for a valuable lesson that I have been learning over the past year--to keep my mouth shut. Apart from the under-my-breath, snide commentary, (and a significantly awkward lashing-out at Matt's house recently), I have been making some serious progress when it comes to holding my tongue (and holding my keyboard, I guess you could say--which explains why I haven't written anything since the election...). Why do I bring this up now? Well, this new found, burgeoning skill will be absolutely vital to enjoying Thanksgiving dinner. Simply put, we, my extended family and I, don't always see eye-to-eye, and given the recently volatile political scene...let's just say if I don't keep quiet around the table...things could get ugly. And I would have to change the name of my blog to "somebody, somewhere still believes in me."

So, this Thanksgiving, as we gather round the hormone-ridden carcass of a buzzard that never saw the light of day outside of its cramped confinement, I'll do my best to keep the conversation focused on more light-hearted issues, i.e. the recent BYU-Utah game, new homes and new babies, Chloe's pregnant!, Matt's romantic life, the Twilight series, and so on.

Happy Thanksgiving. God bless us, everyone!


Mothe said...

I love you Jeff, have a wonderful Thanksgiving!!!

Tam said...

I'll always believe in you Jeff! Yea, now I'm not the only one who doesnt fit in with your family. I dont think talking about the BYU game will get you back in most of their graces. From what I remember, there are some die hard Cougs. I did my best with Casey -- good luck with the rest. As far as Matts love life . . .

hey, if you leave now you can be to our place in time to enjoy some killer food! The girls would love it!

Bart & Penny Murray said...

Oh I don't know if I would talk about Chloe being pregnant during your dinner. I heard how that happened not a good subject while eating. Poor Chloe maybe they should have named her Liz (hee hee)

rich said...

In my Sunday School class, the teacher asked "What are some of the signs of teh second coming that we have already seen?" And someone said "Obama getting elected"

I can see the humor in that for die hard republicans, but it was the nods of serious agreement to the statement that made me angry. I actually chimed in and said "That is the most ridiculous thing I ever heard." Then when of my roommates chimed in "Watch out guys, he's liberal"

I wish we didn't always have to be so one-sided. Ya sure, there are more in the Democratic Party that are pro-choice BUT there are many in the Republican Party that believe the environment should take a back seat and instead of making an earnest effort to rid ourself of carbon-energy we should just keep drilling here and abroad.

All I'm saying is that, the church encourages us to make a judgment call and choose the best candidate. It is not always going to be a Republican.