07 April 2008

When Harry Reid came to BYU

Harry Reid, the US Senate Majority Leader, both a democrat and LDS, spoke at BYU last fall. My friend’s boss may have called him “the spawn of Satan,” but had he listened, even he may have felt motivated to serve his fellowmen. And of course there was his testimony. A Mormon may question another’s sincerity, but involving testimony, especially when it’s a conversion, is surely number one on the Sunday School Teacher’s list of contention-calming devices. With his polished, creamy smooth, majority-leadin’ rhetoric up the other sleeve, Reid was well equipped to enter the great Republican citadel of BYU and even venture to woo some unsuspecting freshmen co-eds to explore the dark side of liberalism. It is even possible that some of his words began to take root in my own Utahan born-n-bred head as I sat transfixed by his commanding authority. Citing King Benjamin drew the final blow.

With a heart softened, even bleeding, I found myself nodding, not recoiling, at his radically democratic perspectives. As he closed, I discovered myself on my feet, clapping my cymbal hands in support like a precisely wound monkey. Soon a cold guilt washed away my enthusiasm as I was faced with a chilling question: Could I be...dare I entertain the idea and spit in the face of religious conservatism, disgrace my family, destroy the very moral fabric of society?...could I be...heaven forbid...a democrat?

In fear of being ostracized by my entire extended family, I have chosen to leave this question unanswered for the time being. But I can't help entertaining the oh-so-dangerous idea. After all, I do believe in gun control and...I better stop there. I tend to jeopardize my welcome at family parties every time I open my mouth.

1 comment:

Tam said...

Welcome to the dark side my brother. Now Tony can call you his "gun hating, lesbian loving, baby killing, democratic brother". We can be outcasts together!