still want to go to law school. still no responses. yet. from anyone. maybe getting a little nervous. but due to the fact that i turned in my applications during the second week of january, i'm not holding my breath. yet. i got really worked up about it on thursday when i was trying to do my homework. so worked up that i couldn't accomplish anything and decided that i should go see slumdog millionaire instead. which was amazing. it gave me my humanity back.
going to washington, california, and maybe france on byu's tab. after feeling like the university's stuck it to me a few times, particularly with books and housing, this is especially nice. march 6-8 i will be in seattle for a model european union conference, representing byu as the romanian head of state. april 16-18 i will be presenting a paper at a european union conference at scripps college in sunny claremont, california. and it's looking like i will be doing an internship in france during the spring term--april 25-june 14, that is likely to be covered by both byu and the humanitarian organization i will be working with. thanks uncle samuelson!
honor's thesis? what honor's...? oh. yeah. crap. that romanian thing. still have a lot to work on for that. but luckily the deadline for it was moved to may 2nd. hallelujah. i should be having a public screening in april, so keep an eye out for that anouncement.
student films are fun. and it's a nice creative outlet. it looks like i will be doing a total of three this semester. more like two and a half, but it has been going well so far (you can see a clip of one on my facebook videos). so well that sometimes i think i might forget the whole educaiton route and just move to l.a. and make it big. screw prudence, it's part of my
due to some recent accommodations, i need to make a shout out to teach for america. first, hawaii didn't fit with my schedule, and i didn't feel good about it, so they made me a second offer: baltimore, teaching secondary french. second, because of the law school factor, i asked for an extension on my decision deadline, which they granted. now i don't have to decide until march 23. again, hallelujah.
all in all, life is good. visiting t'n't and the wee ones down in arizona was awesome. just what i needed. family
is about time. especially time spent bruising each other's ribs and mutually inflicting whiplash on unregulated go carts. that's what brings us closer together.